
I just began to use Facebook after I came to Australia because Facebook has not entered China’s social media market. But that does not mean that Facebook has no influence in China.

Facebook as a leading social networking site now has 800 million users all over the world. Facebook provides a free platform for the organisations to register and set up a fan page which help to engage with people, build relationships, and promote events.

To set up the Facebook page, there are some strategies:

a)      Set up the business goals

It should be considered about the business goals for implementing a Facebook fan page at first. The goals can be engaging customers, providing services, building relationships, expending brand influence and etc.

b)      Establish a brand persona

The brand reflects a persona which the public is already familiar with. Therefore, the picture displayed online should be the logo of the organisation. Make sure the proper punctuation and the correct spelling of the information and introduction are posted on the page. Add the links of the organisation such as official website, twitter and blog on the page.

c)      Establish a content strategy

The content should update regularly and focus on the coming congress or the news in the relevant domains. The content should be accurate, worth sharing, linking and commenting on so that users might want to interact. There are some main features of good Web writing:

Write short paragraphs: White space helps web display so write in ‘shunks’-30- word paragraphs separated by a line space work well.

Write simple sentences: Use one idea per sentence and keep sentences under 17 words.

Be direct: the web is friendly. Use ‘we’ and ‘you’ instead of ‘the insured’, ‘the applicant’, ‘the society’, and so on.

Be positive: ‘the web works well’ rather than ‘the web doesn’t function badly’.

Upload suitable photos such as propaganda posters and the photos about the conference hall. Keep the frequency of updating. Screen the comments and questions and reply them.

d)      Choose target audience

The target audience must be the people or organisations who are interested in the or have the cooerative relationship with the organisation. Create groups to categorize all the fans. And if it is necessary, the organisation can create secret group for specific accounts, which can be used to chat and share document with the group members securely.

e)     Create advertising on Facebook

Facebook provides the platform to place advertisings, and the advertisings can be displayed to the targeted user group. The organisation just need do several steps to create the advertisings, which is a convenient and efficient way to advertise. The advertising fee can be payed per click or per view, and the investment for the advertising can be calculated and controlled well by setting a budget.

f)      Post events for every planned programme

Create events for coming activities on Facebook and invite the fans to join the event. Post the details of the events with some pictures can attract more fans.


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